Representação do modelo com as informações do requisição para adicionar um novo anúncioName | Description | Type | Additional Information |
ReferenceCode | Reference code provided by the advertiser | string | Required
OfferType | Offer type (Venda/Locação/Serviço) | string | Required
ContractId | Advertiser current Contract ID | integer | Required
Category | Machine/Equipment Category | string | Required
Make | Machine/Equipment Manufacturer | string | |
Model | Machine/Equipment Model | string | |
SerialNumber | Machine/Equipment Serial Number | string | |
Year | Year of manufacture of the machine/equipment (ex. 1998) | integer | |
Price | Price of Ad in Reais (ex. R$ 100.000,00 -> 100000). Only numbers. | integer | |
State | State or Province of location (ex. SP) | string | Required
City | City of location (ex. Jundiaí) | string | Required
Description | Ad description (Ex.: pintura nova, pneus bons, cabinada, motor novo). It is forbidden to enter addresses of other sites, telephones and email. | string | |
IsPrivate | Indicates wheter the Ad is private (published only in EmEstoque) | boolean | Required
SyncToMarketplaces | Indicates whether the Ad should be Synchronized with the Marketplaces available through EmEstoque | boolean | |
Photos | List with photos links. Maximum of 4 photos. | string array | |