GET v1/ad-models/{category}/{make}/{model}
Recurso para verificar se o modelo (Categoria/Fabricante/Modelo) informado existe no Mercado Máquinas
Requires Authorization
To perform authorization, you must submit the authentication credentials using the HTTP Basic authorization header.
The authorization header is constructed as follows:
- The username and password are combined into a string "user:password"
- The resulting literal string is then encoded in Base64
- The authorization method followed by the word "Basic" is then placed before the coded sequence.
Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuLXNlc2FtZQ==
Response Codes
- OK (200)
- Unauthorized (401)
- NotFound (404)
Request Information
URL Parameters
The parameters must be in the request URL.
Name | Description | Type | Additional Information |
Category | Machine/Equipment Category | string | Required |
Make | Machine/Equipment Manufacturer | string | Required |
Model | Machine/Equipment Model | string | Required |
Request body parameters
These parameters must be in the request Body.
Description not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
AdModelResponse array
Name | Description | Type | Additional Information |
Category | Machine/Equipment Category | string | |
Make | Machine/Equipment Manufacturer | string | |
Model | Machine/Equipment Model | string | |
StartYear | Start Year of Machine/Equipment Model | integer | |
EndYear | End Year of Machine/Equipment Model | integer |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
- In Json format, the parameter names follow the camelCase pattern, that is, they always start with lowercase letters.
{ "category": "Escavadeira", "make": "Case", "model": "CX220", "startYear": 1996, "endYear": 2019 }
application/xml, text/xml
<AdModelResponse xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <Category>Escavadeira</Category> <Make>Case</Make> <Model>CX220</Model> <StartYear>1996</StartYear> <EndYear>2019</EndYear> </AdModelResponse>