NameDescriptionTypeAdditional Information
ReferenceCodeReference code provided by the advertiserstringRequired
OfferTypeOffer type (Venda/Locação/Serviço)stringRequired
ContractIdAdvertiser current Contract IDintegerRequired
CategoryMachine/Equipment CategorystringRequired
MakeMachine/Equipment Manufacturerstring
ModelMachine/Equipment Modelstring
SerialNumberMachine/Equipment Serial Numberstring
YearYear of manufacture of the machine/equipment (ex. 1998)integer
PricePrice of Ad in Reais (ex. R$ 100.000,00 -> 100000). Only numbers.integer
StateState or Province of location (ex. SP)stringRequired
CityCity of location (ex. Jundiaí)stringRequired
DescriptionAd description (Ex.: pintura nova, pneus bons, cabinada, motor novo). It is forbidden to enter addresses of other sites, telephones and email.string
IsPrivateIndicates wheter the Ad is private (published only in EmEstoque)booleanRequired
SyncToMarketplacesIndicates whether the Ad should be Synchronized with the Marketplaces available through EmEstoqueboolean
PhotosList with photos links. Maximum of 4 photos.string array