
Api for publishing ads on the Mercado Máquinas Portal. Step-by-step recommendations for publishing an Ad.

  1. Get the advertiser's current contract (GETv1/contracts)
  2. Check if the model (Category/Manufacturer/Model) informed exists (GETv1/ad-models/{category}/{make}/{model})
  3. Create a new ad (POSTv1/ads)
  4. Returns the specifications of an ad through the given id code (GETv1/ads/{adid}/specs)
  5. Update/Modify the specifications of an existing Ad (PUTv1/ads/specs)
GETv1/ad-models/{category}/{make}/{model}Resource to check if the model (Category/Manufacturer/Model) informed exists in the Mercado Máquinas website.Example
GETv1/adsReturns all published adsExample
GETv1/ads/{adid}Returns an ad using the id code.Example
GETv1/ads/{adid}/specsReturns the specifications of an ad using the given codeExample
PUTv1/ads/specsUpdate/Modify the specifications of an existing AdExample
POSTv1/adsCreates a new adExample
PUTv1/adsModifies an adExample
DELETEv1/adsDelete an adExample


Api for publishing ads in Mercado Máquinas website

GETv1/contractsRetuns the active advertiser contractsExample